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Motion pictures are designed to appeal to broad audiences.In order to do so,
there are several elements that are required in order to capture audiences, and create an
overall interest in the movie.Now, no movie will be able to appeal to everyone, because
people prefer different types of movies, different actors, etc.But personally, the things I
look for in a movie are a good plot, good acting, and realism.
A good plot, to me, is one that gets my attention.Something that makes me want
to watch and find out what is going to happen, rather than one that is predictable or
boring.A good plot is one that builds up from a series of events, leading to a suspenseful
climax, followed by a series of solutions, bringing it back down to a solid ending.In
order to attain this, however, a movie needs more than a good plot; it also needs good
actors to create that effect.
Actors are just as important to a film as the story.An actor needs to be able to
recreate the way a person would act if what was happening in the movie was happening
to them in real life.I think that the most difficult thing to do for an actor is to be totally
convincing, because its more than what is said; body language is a vital part, because if
they don't have the right expressions, than its just words.
Realism is a combination of the two.With the right plot, containing believable
events, and good acting, realism is acquired.Movies that are farfetched, like the James
Bond series are, in my opinion, too unbelievable.They may be entertaining to a degree,
but when looked at logically, they are unbelievable, and in many cases, impossible.
Realism ties in a lot of other factors as well, such as the necessary special effects, detail,
and general surroundings.
With a good plot, good actors, and realism, the rest of the film comes together.
Those are the important things I look for in a movie, and if they're all done well, it will
result in a successful and entertaining film. Please note that this sample paper on How I Evaluate a Motion Picture is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How I Evaluate a Motion Picture, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college papers on How I Evaluate a Motion Picture will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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