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Paulo Freire who wrote "The 'Banking' Concept of Education shoed the reader why 'Banking', is not as effective teaching method. I agree that 'Banking' is an ineffective teaching method. Freire made many points on why this was thought out his work but I believe there are five main points.
With 'Banking', the teacher is the subject and the student is the object. The teacher is the active one in the classroom, not the student. Also the teacher has all the knowledge and while the student is just ignorant. In the banking concept of education, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing. As Paulo Freire shows us, " Projecting an absolute ignorance onto others, a characteristic of the ideology of oppression, negates education and knowledge as processes of inquiry The teachers that use 'banking' assume all learning results to occur in the normal bell curve range. Furthermore the teachers teach by the text and curriculum and only use examples and activities that they suggest. In fact teachers follow the curriculum guide by grade level and date ever year. In other words almost all of the time students all do the same assignment. Of course curriculum and texts do not change from year to year at most schools. But they still expect use to memorize and learn the same way each day.
On the other hand problem posing is the way I believe a effective teacher should teach. The teacher no longer thinks of the students as just there to be taught, but now they want to learn from them as well. Paulo Freire points out, problem posing education affirms "men and women as beings in and with a likewise unfinished reality. In fact they need to be open to ideas and concepts from the students as well as there own. In other words they need to be 'co-investigators' and create with the students. Now the teachers expect good grades, but they give varied amounts of time to do so. Also students work on tasks designed so they can achieve. Sometimes with a large group discussing and debating ideas and sometimes with a smaller group brain-storming. Still the teachers teach instructional objectives, but they are essential to long range goals. Hence teachers identify the long-range objectives and analyze tasks, and then proceeds as rapidly as students. Finally the instructional program is based on a continuum that will lead to long range goals.
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